Pediatric and Young Adult Medicine refill voicemail line is now available. You may now call and request your refills when it is convenient for you 24-hours a day/7-days a week.
To use this service, we ask that you review the following procedures to ensure that we receive the proper notice and information to guarantee the prescription(s) for your child is ready when you need it.
- We will have your prescription ready within two business days for pick-up and 5 days for delivery to a pharmacy. If there is a problem with your child’s present dosage, please speak with your primary provider by calling 651-227-7806.
- Please provide all of the information that is required to process your request. We have provided you a template on the back of this sheet. We suggest that you write the information in the blanks that are provided so you will be able to read it over the phone.
- This service will be available to request your refill for ADD/ADHD RX only.
- You may request them 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please remember we can only fill the prescriptions during regular business hours.
- At this time, no other prescriptions can be filled using this line. Other concerns or topics should be addressed with your provider by calling 651-227-7806.
- All voice mails will be listened to and processed daily during regular business hours.
- All ADHD/ADD patients who are on prescriptions are required to have a medication check-up every 6 months. lf you are a patient either starting a new prescription or are restarting a prescription you must be seen 2 weeks after you have started your new prescription. Failure to do this may cause your refilled to be denied.
Thank you, Pediatric and Young Adult Medicine, PA
adhd_checklist.pdfUse this checklist to collect the information you need before you call in and make your request. |
To view this file you will need to have Adobe’s Acrobat Reader. Its a free download and is available for both the Mac and Windows. |