There is now a telephone line for parents to call for ordering refills of ADHD medications from their PYAM providers. The line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The number is 651-256-6796. To use this service you must be able to provide the following:
- Your child’s name
- Name of medication and dosage
- Name of your child’s provider
- Name and address of the pharmacy or
- Office you wish to pick up from
- Whether or not your child can use generic or brand name
- Name of insurance and whether or not your insurance is mail order
Remember that children on these medications need to be seen by their provider twice a year—every six months. You will need to speak with your child’s provider for any change in his prescription or dose.
This line is exclusively for ADHD medications.
Using this system will enable PYAM to process refills faster—within two days for requests that are to be picked up from an office and five days for prescriptions that require mailing. We invite you to give it a try!